The Academic Affairs division, under the leadership of the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, advances the University’s research, education, service, and engagement initiatives to promote disciplinary and interdisciplinary scholarly excellence across the University’s educational programs.
Academic Affairs comprises every School and College, inclusive of individual academic departments; academic Centers and Institutes; student-facing academic resources; and faculty- and staff-facing resources such as administrative and development programs. All units work in concert to engage students, faculty, and staff in scholarship, research, and innovation.
Academic Administration
Academic Calendar
The Academic Calendar is maintained by the Office of the Registrar.
The University of Connecticut is accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE) through its Commission on Institutions of Higher Education. Inquiries regarding the accreditation status of the University should be directed to the Office of the Provost. Individual programs may hold field-specific accreditation.
Schools and Colleges
The University of Connecticut comprises 14 schools and colleges offering seven undergraduate degrees in more than 110 majors and 17 graduate degrees in 88 fields of study.
Schools and Colleges include:
- The College of Agriculture, Health, and Natural Resources
- School of Business
- School of Dental Medicine
- School of Engineering
- School of Fine Arts
- The Graduate School
- School of Law
- College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
- School of Medicine
- Neag School of Education
- School of Nursing
- School of Pharmacy
- Ratcliffe Hicks School of Agriculture
- School of Social Work
The University spans over 4,300 acres, including the main campus in Storrs; the four regional campuses (UConn Avery Point, UConn Hartford, UConn Stamford, and UConn Waterbury); the School of Law, Graduate Business Learning Center, and School of Social Work in Hartford; and UConn Health in Farmington.
Centers and Institutes
Centers and institutes at the University are established to promote scholarly activity and/or support the teaching, research, diversity, or outreach mission of the institution. The University recognizes that Centers and Institutes require a commitment of resources and has developed guidelines regarding criteria for their establishment and review, with final approval given by the Board of Trustees.
Academic Support Units
UConn Library
The University of Connecticut Libraries comprise the largest public research collection in the state. The UConn Library serves the University and beyond by providing access to and stewardship of the world of information.
The University Libraries website has information for faculty on teaching support such as course reserves, library services such as booking a video theater or requesting a research carrel, getting library materials, and research support.
Each of the University’s four regional campuses maintains a library dedicated to serving their campus communities:
- UConn Avery Point Library
- UConn Library at Hartford Public Library
- Jeremy Richard Library at UConn Stamford
- UConn Waterbury Library
The University Library also includes the Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center, the Music and Dramatic Arts Library, the Health Sciences Library at UConn Health, the Law Library, the Maps and Geographic Information Center, and the Pharmacy Library.
Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) promotes excellence in teaching by supporting faculty adoption of research-informed best practices that positively impact student learning outcomes. Faculty development specialists provide comprehensive support for faculty and TA’s through workshops, consultations, classroom observations, and teaching enhancement plans.
The Office of University Advising provides centralized support and coordination for undergraduate advising.
Educational Technologies provides training and support for faculty use of the HuskyCT learning management system (Blackboard), desktop lecture capture (Kaltura), virtual meeting tools (Collaborate, WebEx, Microsoft Teams), the UConn Lightboard studio, video equipment rental and access to professional videographers, student response systems, and other innovative technologies.
UConn Online has powered the development of more than 30 online graduate certificate and degree programs since 2015, and eCampus instructional design staff provide one on one coaching and course design support for faculty across all learning modalities (online, flipped, face-to-face).
The Office of Early College Programs coordinates the Early College Experience program, which is the oldest and one of the largest concurrent and dual enrollment programs for high school students in the country, and the Pre-College Summer program designed for aspirational high school juniors and seniors.
The Office of Summer and Winter programs coordinates with academic departments across the university to offer courses during both the summer session and winter session terms.
The Office of Service Learning provides support for faculty interested in combining active learning and community outreach.
The Writing Center and Q (Quantitative Learning) Center provide extensive support for students and faculty.
Classroom Technology and Support
Academic IT installs, maintains, and supports audiovisual technology in all centrally-scheduled classrooms at all UConn campuses. These classrooms are controlled by a touch panel on the teaching station, which gives the user full control over all audiovisual features in the classroom. Academic IT staff provide training on the equipment upon request.
Institute for Student Success
The Institute for Student Success consists of six units:
- Academic Achievement Center
- The Academic Center for Exploratory Students
- First Year Programs & Learning Communities
- Center for Academic Programs
- Bachelor of General Studies Program
- Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation
These units provide academic advising and support, transition assistance, and enrichment opportunities to middle, high school, and college students.
Honors and Enrichment Programs
Enrichment Programs help UConn students on all campuses and in all majors create meaningful and rigorous academic experiences. New faculty are encouraged to explore all of the opportunities offered and partner with Enrichment Programs to help students enhance their UConn careers. Learn more about faculty opportunities at the Enrichment Programs website.
Enrichment Programs is composed of six units:
Institutional Research and Effectiveness
The Office of Budget, Planning and Institutional Research (BPIR) provides timely official data and analysis for planning, institutional effectiveness, and decision making. BPIR serves as the central repository of official data for state, federal, and other external agencies for reporting purposes. BPIR administers Student Evaluations of Teaching (SET), and HuskyDM – the University repository for faculty activities. BPIR also contributes a wide range of statistics for the University Fact Sheet.
Center for Career Development
The Center for Career Development delivers comprehensive, innovative, and inclusive programs and services for all students to create a University-wide readiness culture that prepares students for post-graduation success.
Student Athlete Success Program
The Student-Athlete Success Program (SASP) supports the overall missions of the University and Department of Athletics by providing resources dedicated to empowering student-athletes to become independent thinking, successful, and ethical student learners. The primary goal of the program is to assist student-athletes in reaching their educational goals while competing in intercollegiate athletics.
Veterans Affairs and Military Programs
The Office of Veterans Affairs and Military Programs seeks to create a welcome and supportive environment for UConn’s veteran and active duty military personnel and their families.
Global Affairs
The Office of Global Affairs provides University-wide leadership to build and sustain global education at the University of Connecticut. They service international students and scholars; nurture strategic global partnerships; create and manage student, faculty, and staff mobility programs; promote collaborative international research; develop curricula to build global competency; and deliver educational and professional services that support sustainable economic and social development.
Faculty Appointments
Faculty Responsibilities
Secondary and Joint Appointments
When a department wishes to extend a formal relationship to a faculty member who is a regular member of another department it is recommended that both units develop a formal Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) outlining scope of effort, time, and pay of the faculty member’s position as a result of the relationship. If the secondary unit will be involved in promotion, tenure, and/or reappointment processes, the position is a joint appointment. If the secondary unit will not be involved in such processes, the appointment in the secondary unit is an affiliate appointment. Courtesy appointments refer to those gratis appointments extended to affiliate external (non-employee) or University employees with no formal academic appointment. The Provost's guidelines on secondary appointments can be found on the University's policy website here.
Extra Compensation
The University recognizes that faculty members will occasionally undertake work that is distinctly beyond their regular responsibilities. The Policy on Extra Compensation establishes the standards under which full-time faculty performing such additional assignments may receive extra compensation.
The provisions governing faculty appointment to Emeritus status can be found in the By-Laws of the University of Connecticut, Article XIV – The University Staff, Section K. Further details on Emeritus status for Storrs and regional campus faculty can be found on the Office of the Provost website.
Tenure-Track Promotion, Tenure, and Reappointment
A central tenet of our mission at the University of Connecticut is the pursuit of knowledge and discovery, with the understanding that faculty members have the right to academic freedom. A clearly articulated Promotion, Tenure, and Reappointment process defines expectations and procedures that enhance success and fairness.
The purpose of the Promotion, Tenure, and Reappointment (PTR) guidelines is to provide common criteria and procedures for tenure and promotion for all University of Connecticut faculty in the professorial ranks. Reviewers base their recommendations on carefully prepared dossiers which must include the PTR form and other required information that document and evaluate the accomplishments of each candidate. Responsibility for promotion and tenure recommendations rests principally with the senior members of the faculty, unit administrators, and academic deans. Final responsibility rests with the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs.
Tenure Clock Adjustments
Under Article 19.6.I of the AAUP contract dated July 1, 2017, tenure-track faculty members receive an automatic one-year extension of the tenure clock when they experience a qualifying major life event. A tenure-track faculty member who experiences a major life event that qualifies for an automatic one-year extension of the tenure clock must contact the Human Resources Leave Administrator and provide proof of the qualifying event within 31 days following a foreseeable event or within a reasonable period of time, not to exceed six months. Faculty should contact their Department of Human Resources Leave Administrator with questions.
Committee of Three
The Committee of Three functions in faculty dismissal and grievance procedures. Complaints involving promotion, tenure, and reappointment decisions may be brought to the Committee of Three only at the end of a sequence of peer review procedures, including those of the Faculty Review Board. Other complaints may be brought to the Committee of Three only after appropriate administrative remedies have been exhausted.
Non-Tenure Track Promotion and Reappointment
The Reappointment, Multi-Year Appointment, and Promotion Form for Clinical, In-Residence, & Extension (CIRE) Faculty Members & Lecturers Form (P&R Form) shall be used for all promotions of CIRE faculty members and all instances in which a CIRE faculty member or Lecturer is receiving their first multi-year appointment. At the discretion of each School/College, the P&R Form also may be used for the reappointment of CIRE faculty members and lecturers to one-year appointments, as well as reappointment to multi-year appointments after the first such appointment.
Faculty Consulting
Faculty Consulting is an activity performed by a faculty member for compensation as a result of his/her expertise or prominence in their field while not acting in their official capacity as a State employee. Faculty consulting can only be undertaken when prior approval has been granted. An online form for consulting approval is available on the Faculty Consulting website.
Leaves of Absence and Sabbatical Leave for Faculty
The By-Laws of the University of Connecticut provide guidance on leaves on absence. Additional guidelines on medical leaves and emergency leaves from campus are available through Human Resources.
Following sabbatical, individuals are obligated to return to active service at the University for a minimum of one year.
Academic Instruction
Course instruction, whether by a tenured/tenure-track professor or an adjunct, includes preparation, delivery, and follow-up. Follow-up includes evaluating student work, providing attention to individual students as needed, and assigning grades. Providing attention to students requires office hours, either regularly scheduled or by appointment. This is something qualified instructors should understand — whether they be adjuncts or tenured/tenure-track faculty receiving a semester course load. Office hours should not be considered “extra duty” for course instruction. If adjuncts did not provide the follow-up piece (office hours), our quality of instruction would be negatively impacted, especially at our regional campuses. Adjunct-led courses would assume a second-class status.
References for Syllabi Links
Instructors frequently include the following policies in undergraduate and graduate syllabi:
- Absences from Final Examinations
- Class Attendance
- Credit Hours
- Policy Statement on People with Disabilities
- Policy Against Discrimination, Harassment, and Related Interpersonal Violence
- The Student Code
- Academic Misconduct Procedures for Instructors
- Scholarly Integrity in Graduate and Postdoctoral Education and Research
- Recommended Syllabus Language for Classroom Recordings
- Statement on Absences from Class Due to Religious Observances and Extra-Curricular Activities
- Suggested Language from the Center for Students with Disabilities
- Suggested Language from the Office of Emergency Management or Emergency Preparedness
Information regarding the development of a syllabus is available from the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning.
Barnes and Noble UConn is committed to providing the University and our students with affordable textbooks and course materials. Faculty should utilize the Faculty Enlight portal to notify the Bookstore of required course materials with advance notice of each semester. Through a partnership with Barnes and Noble, Husky Book Bundle allows students to receive required course materials for all classes for a flat fee at the same time tuition is charged.
The University's Policy on the Assignment of Textbooks and Other Intellectual Property provides guidance on the circumstances under which one may assign a textbook or other intellectual property authored or developed by the professor to a course they may teach.